Stan Linhorst retired from Syracuse.com/The Post-Standard in September 2017. He continued to do the column “Conversations on Leadership” until May of this year. Starting in February 2014, his column told the stories and shared the wisdom of more than 450 leaders in Central New York, including Mary Nelson and several other Wisdom Keepers.
Linhorst became Senior Managing Editor of The Post-Standard in 1999. He previously was the newspaper’s Director of New Media. In 1992, he helped to launch NewsLine and Homework Hotline, early digital information systems, and in 1994, he started Syracuse.com.
Members of the New York State Associated Press Association and the Syracuse Press Club elected Linhorst as their president. He is an emeritus member of the Board of Advisors of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies and was on the advisory board of Thursday Morning Roundtable and the Interactive Newspaper Network.
Linhorst came to Syracuse in 1984 as city editor after three years as an editor at The Union-Tribune, in San Diego, Calif. Previously, he worked as a reporter and editor at The Press in Binghamton, N.Y., and The Telegram in Columbus, Neb.
Linhorst grew up on a farm in Nebraska, where the daily newspaper was a daily inspiration. He is a 1975 graduate of the University of Nebraska. He lives in Manlius with Sue, his lovely wife of 42 years. They have two children in their 30s, Molly, a lawyer living in New York City, and Michael, a lawyer living in Washington, D.C. Linhorst has participated in a variety of community groups and was joyously active as a volunteer and supporter of his children’s church, school, and community activities. He lived a life of curiosity and loved leading a newsroom of smart, dedicated people.