Housing Needs in CNY – What’s Going On?
Friday, Oct. 21 at 12:05 p.m.
Join FOCUS Greater Syracuse on Friday, Oct. 21 at noon for a free, VIRTUAL forum as we look at housing needs & planning policies in CNY.
This Forum is intended to share the current efforts underway by both the City & County planning departments in assessing the current status of the complex subject of “housing.” Both the city and county planning offices are advancing major studies into their housing needs. The presenters will share their views on the status of these studies, and how this analysis will inform planning policies to meet the differing and demanding housing needs ahead.
Panelists: Michelle Sczpanski, Deputy Commissioner, Syracuse Neighborhood & Business Development; Dan Kwasnowski, AICP Director, Syracuse and Onondaga County Planning Agency (SOPCA); Sam Gordon, Planning Practice Leader, EDR
Moderator: Lanessa Owens-Chaplin, Esq., Director of Environmental Justice Project, NYCLU
Bios for Panelists