Dr. Reginald T. Braggs, Onondaga Community College
Carrie Carapella, SRC, Inc.
Gerianne Corradino, (Vice President), Central New York Community Foundation
Ryan Delao, (Treasurer), Dannible & McKee, LLP
Brian Fay, Syracuse Northeast Community Center
Sam Gordon, EDR
Lisa A. Hart – Public Health Analyst & Grants Manager
Lynnessa Joyner-Robinson, (Secretary), formerly Goodwill of the Finger Lakes
Emily Minnoe, Francis House, Inc.
Matthew Oja, Esq., City of Syracuse
Donald Radke, (Immediate Past President), FM Realty Group
Rita Reicher, PhD, (President), KS&R co-founder
Greg Riley, KeyBank
Amy Rood, National Grid
William Sanford, Brown & Sanford Consulting, LLC
Mike Stanton, formerly National Grid

Sean Daughton, Dannible & McKee, LLP
Robert Haley, Architect, AIA, LEED, AP
Brian Hoke, Bentley Hoke
Michele Jones Galvin, formerly Onondaga County administration
Michael LaMontagne, C&S Companies
Andrea Latchem, formerly Syracuse University, Food Bank of CNY
Andrew Maxwell, C&S Companies
Nancy Smith, NH Smith Consulting
Ahmeed Turner, Say Yes to Education, Syracuse

Don Radke
Immediate Past Board President

Charlotte “Chuckie” Holstein
Executive Director Emeritus