Royale Scuderi is the Executive Director of the Central New York Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance. She brings to the Alliance more than 15 years of experience in senior strategic leadership roles, as an innovative non-profit director, business professional and consultant. She works in collaboration with the Alliance board of directors to help achieve their mission to support research, drive education and promote awareness to combat tick-borne diseases. Royale is also a Lyme disease survivor who through her personal journey and work in this field, has developed an understanding of the complexities of tick-borne diseases and how they impact patients’ lives.

Dr. Brian Leydet is an Assistant professor of Epidemiology and Disease Ecology at SUNY-ESF. He holds a Bachelor and Masters degree in Public Health. Brian completed his doctoral studies at Louisiana State Universities School of Veterinary Medicine and postdoctoral work at the Trudeau Institute in New York’s Adirondack Park. Brian has spent over a decade studying ticks and their diseases. The Leydet lab at ESF combines extensive field work and laboratory methods to understand ecological drivers of tick-borne disease risk.