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Former SUNY ESF President Neil Murphy and Onondaga Environmental Institute President Ed Michalenko explore the opportunities and challenges for the environment in a new virtual FOCUS Forum.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked horrible tragedy, the resulting shutdown has provided some time to heal. This forum will touch on how the environment has improved, what policy changes we might make to sustain the improvements, and how the environment can be an asset in reducing future pandemics.
Registration for the Zoom webinar maxed out at more than 100, but you can view it online HERE. The free FOCUS Forum is open to all.
Cornelius “Neil” B. Murphy Jr., PhD, led the O’Brien & Gere technical services and engineering firm from 1982 until 2000. In 2000 he was chosen as President of State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He is widely credited with bringing environmental leadership to Central New York and new life to SUNY ESF, a post he left in 2013. He continues his work at SUNY as Senior Fellow for Environmental and Sustainable Systems. For a longer biographical sketch use this LINK.
In addition to his many leadership posts and honors in the community Dr. Murphy was named a FOCUS Wisdom Keeper in 2013.

Ed Michalenko, PhD, is the elected Supervisor of the Town of DeWitt and President of Onondaga Environmental Institute. The institute is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to environmental education, research, planning and restoration.
In his leadership of OEI Dr. Michalenko has administered grant supported projects in Central New York and beyond for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Onondaga County. For a longer biographical sketch use this LINK.