Clear Path for Veterans: clearpath4vets.com, 315-687-3300
Feed Our Vets: www.feedourvets.org
Honor Flight Syracuse: honorflightsyracuse.org
Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University: ivmf.syracuse.edu , The institute also offers: Coalition for Veteran Owned Business, Boots to Business, Center of Excellence for Veteran Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans, Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veteran Families, Onward to Opportunity, Vet Net, Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship
Onondaga County Veterans Memorial Cemetery: www.onondagacountyparks.com/parks/cemeteries-and-memorials/
Onondaga County Veterans Service Agency: www.ongov.net/veterans
Onondaga County – Return the Favor Veterans Discount Card: ongov.net/favor/
Syracuse Vet Center, 109 Pine St., Syracuse: trauma counseling 315-478-7127
Veterans Affairs Medical Center – Syracuse: www.syracuse.va.gov
Wohl Family Veterans Law Clinic at Syracuse University: 315-443-4582
American Legion, (21 Posts in Onondaga County): www.legion.org
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US, (12 Posts in Onondaga County): www.vfw.org